#PowerShell script to automate ESXI configuration part post new ESXI deployment
$vCenter= Read-Host "Enter vCenter Name"
$VCCred = Get-Credential
#Add ESXI Host
$ESXI1= Read-Host "Enter ESXI host Name"
$ESXICred= Get-Credential
$String= $ESXI1
$String.Substring(0,$String.Length-12) | Out-file 'C:\temp\output.txt'
$Prop= Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\output.txt'
#Connect vCenter
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenter -Credential $VCCred
#Collect Datacenter details
$Datacent= Get-Datacenter
#Prompt for to enter Datacenter Name, enter here short name inside *.........*,
$DCM= read-Host "*Enter DC shortname Name inside both*"
# String to remove extra character from DC that we are typing manually
$NTP.subString(1,$DCM.Length-2) |Out-file 'C:\temp\DCName.txt'
$DCName= Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\DCName.txt'
Add-VMHost -Server $vCenter -Name $ESXI1 -Location $DCM -Credential $ESXICred -Force
Get NTP Server details
# PowerCli command to COllect NTP server details from existing Datacenter >host
Get-Datacenter | Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch "$DCName"} |Get-VMHost |Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch "$Prop"} |Get-VMhostNTPServer |Out-file 'C:\temp\NTPServer.txt'
$NTPServer= Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\NTPServer.txt'
Get-Datacenter |Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch "$DCName"} |Get-VMHost |Out-File 'c:\temp\VMhost.txt'
$NTPHost= Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\vmhost.txt'
#PowerCli command to add existing NTP server details into new ESXI host
Add-VMHostNtpServer -NtpServer $NTPServer -VMHost $ESXI1 | Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch "$ESXI1"}
# PowerCli command to Collect DNS Name, DNS IP, SearchDomain
Get-Datacenter | Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch "$DCName"} |Get-VMHost |Where-Object {$_.Name -imatch "$ESXI1"} | Get-VMHostNetwork | Select-Object DomainName, SearchDomain, DnsAddress |Out-file 'C:\temp\NetInfo.txt'
$NetInfo= Get-Content -Path 'C:\temp\NetInfo.txt'
# PowerCli Command to add DNS Address, SearchDomain
$vmHostNetworkInfo = Get-VmHostNetwork -Host $ESXI1
Set-VmHostNetwork -Network $vmHostNetworkInfo -DnsAddress '','' -SearchDomain temp.ads.com -DnsFromDhcp $false
#Put ESXI host into maintenance mode
Set-VMHost -VMHost $vmhost -State "Maintenance"