Get-Certificate: CertEnroll::CX509Enrollment::Enroll: Error Parsing Request The request subject name is invalid or too long. 0x80094001 (-2146877439 CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECT) The request ID is 1109849. A certificate could not be issued by the certification authority.: The request subject name is invalid or too long. 0x80094001 (-2146877439 CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECT). This may be the result of user credentials being required on the remote machine. See Enable-WSManCredSSP Cmdlet help on how to enable and use CredSSP for delegation with PowerShell remoting.
When you are getting error The request subject name is invalid or too long. 0x80094001 make sure you are not using more than two characters for C=
Get-Certificate -Template WebServerCustom -SubjectName "CN,OU = DEMO,O = DEMO,L = Dubai,S = IND,C = DE" -DnsName, DEMOVC002 -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My