PowerShell Basic to Administrator

Run below command to get help

Get-Help Get-service -ShowWindow


To get the status of multiple services you can run below command.

Get-Service -Name BITS, wuauserv, W32Time


To get the status of multiple services starting with B, A,W you can run the below command.

Get-service -name B*, a*, W* 

You can also use short name of command or service to get status 

Get-Service bits 

gsv bits (GSV= Get-Service)


Command to check all Event log


Command to check System log

Get-EventLog -LogName System

Command to check last 3 system newly error related log

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -EntryType Error


Command to check last 3 system newly error related log of Remote Machines

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -EntryType Error -ComputerName comp1, comp2, comp3 



Use of Pipeline | in powershell ->


In PowerShell, the vertical bar ( | ) is the pipe symbol. This tells PowerShell that you want to take the output of one command and pass it as the input (or pipe it) to the next command.

From pipeline Left command output will be input for right command.


Get-Service -Name BITS, wuauserv, W32Time

Get-service -name B*, a*, W*

Get-Help Get-service -ShowWindow

Get-Service -DisplayName windows

Get-Service bits

gsv bits

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -EntryType Error -ComputerName comp1, comp2, comp3

Get-Module -ListAvailable 

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