SCOM PowerShell command | Get-SCOMagent , get-scomalert, Get-SCOMManagementPack


Cmdlet to list out the agent 



Get-SCOMAgent | FT -Property displayName, version, ActionAccountIdentity, ProxyingEnabled, HealthState 

Get-SCOMAgent | where {$_.healthstate -eq "success"} |select Name,healthstate, version 

Get-SCOMAgent | where {$_.healthstate -eq "warning"} | select Name,version,healthstate 







Cmdlet to get a list of Management packs







Command to get sealed and unsealed Management pack


Get-SCOMManagementPack |where {$_.sealed -eq "true"} |Select name, DisplayName 



Get-SCOMManagementPack |where {$_.sealed -eq "false"} |Select name, DisplayName 






Cmdlet to get SCOM alert


Cmdlet to get alert of particular component.

Get-SCOMAlert -Name "*heartbeat*" 








Cmdlet to get alert historical alert

Get-SCOMAlert -ComputerName scom | where {$_.severity -eq "error"} | FL



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