ESXI host connect with Vcenter server step by step 6.0

Steps to add ESXI host  in Vcenter 6.0.

I have one Vcenter server with pre-installed application

IP Address:-
HostName :-

Two ESXI host pre-installed ESXI on both node

IP Address:-
IP Address:-

One Domain server with server 2012 R2:-

IP Address:-
Host Name:-

One Client with Server 2012 R2:-

IP Address:-
Host Name:-

On client machine you need to first install Vcenter client setup file using setup file.

1. Once the setup will install one shortcut key will appear on the desktop
2. Double click and open it and enter Vcenter server host IP, User ID and password as below and click on login.

3. When you will click on login next page will be as below.

4. Click on Host and cluster.

5. Select Vcenter server Name and Right click and select new Data center

6. Now click on Add host

7. Enter ESXI Host IP ESXI User ID and password as below

9. Click Yes button
10. Click next button here Virtual machine is showing because I have already created in ESXI host

11. Enter license key or select evaluation version

12. Click on Enable Lockdown Mode if you want your ESXI to lock.

13. Click twice next and finish

14. You can see the recent task here ESXI is getting attach with ESXI host.
15. ESXI status showing disconnected because process is on going
16. Now configuration has completed 100 %

17. Now ESXI host connection is showing connected after 100 % task completion

18. Above are the VM list i.e Clonned VM, Test VM and Win 7

Office 365 Admin Console

Steps need to follow for Creation modification and deletion of Accounts.

Click on Admin to open Dashboard.

Click on Active Users for check users list or R.C here and select New user for create

Click on Group to add any user to this Group.

For check License click on Billing>License

Change or provide full access to User for create, Delete and modification.

VMware Scenario Based Question and Answer

  1.  Suppose If we have newly built ESXI host with 4 Physical NICs, all NICs are assigned to VSS MGMT kernel port port and we have to migrate MGMT kernel port group from VSS to vDS.

          what will be the steps that we need to follow?

Ans -> To migrate traffic from VSS port group to vDS port group there must be physical NIC assigned to Destination port group. So below steps need to follow.

            First need to remove 1 or 2 physical NICs from VSS Switch and make it free

           Assign free NICs to vDS switch and then start management traffic migration.


2.  Can we change Snapshot file location in VMWare? If yes, then how can we change?


3. How does HA keep track of which VM need to be restarted in case of an ESXI host failure?

Ans. HA takes help of two files namely power ON and protected list. The power ON file maintained by each ESXI host individually  and it contains entries of those VMs, which are currently running on that ESXI host.
The  protected list file in maintained at Datastore level and tells HA which VM was protected before failure. Based on these two file HA decide which VM need to restart In case of HA trigger.



NetApp MISC command line

 Connect NetApp cluster IP using Putty.

Enter user name and password

Use ? mark to see related command in NetApp

Script to create Multiple local Users and set Password never Expire

function create-account ([string]$accountName) {

 $hostname = hostname

 $comp = [adsi]"WinNT://$hostname"

 $user = $comp.Create("User", $accountName)



 $User.UserFlags[0] = $User.UserFlags[0] -bor 0x10000 #ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD flag is 0x10000


 # Create 30 administrator users named user1 ... user 30

for($i=20; $i -le 23; $i++){



DHCP Configuration, Single Scope Backup from windows server 2012r 2 to 2016

1. Export and Import DHCP Single Scope from one Server to another also overwrite the Scope

Open PowerShell with administrative privilege and run below command  

Export-DhcpServer -ComputerName "" -File "C:\temp\dhcpexport1.xml" -ScopeId –Leases DHCP Server Name Scope ID

Now move the dhcpexport1.xml file to destination machine

And run below command to import the Scope in another server.

Import-DhcpServer -ComputerName "" -File "C:\temp\dhcpexport1.xml" -ScopeId -Leases

Type 1 in BackupPath

To overwrite backup on existing scope run below command

Import-DhcpServer -ComputerName "" -File "C:\temp\dhcpexport1.xml" -ScopeId -Leases -ScopeOverwrite –Force

Steps to Change vCenter Server FQDN | vCenter FQDN Rename Step By Step

 For prerequisite  follow below VMware KB article

  1. Prepare Infra level configuration

Current VCSA FQDN -:

Current VCSA IP       -:


Create new DNS host record keeping the same old IP

Update both A and PTR records and run nslookup to see DNS is resolving DNS name correctly.


Once DNS level configuration complete and everything is resolving correctly

  1. vCenter level 

Now go to vCenter prerequisite like taking backup, create clone or snapshot

Make sure you are taking backup and cloning vCenter server for roll back plan

Open VAMI console using 5480 port 

Login with root account

Go to networking -> check the existing configure hostname and IP

Click Edit

Select the correct NIC assign to Management, usually we keep NIC 0 for Management traffic

Change Hostname and DNS 

I changed from to

Click Next

Enter administrator@vsphere.local user ID and password

Click next

Acknowledge and click Finish

Once service will restart the VAMI page you need to reconnect.

Login with root password in VAMI page

Wait for to restart all the services and complete the process

Refresh the page or re-login 

Use the new URL to access vCenter UI link

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