Manage Azure AD through Window PowerShell.
Before installing Azure module you need to install later PowerShell, you can refer below link to download and install later PS.
Install-Module -name Azure
install-module -name AzureAD
Get-module AzureAD
Run below command to connect with AzureAD
Enter your Azure account details to connect with Azure portal.
Run below command to connect with AzureAD
Use below command to Store your password in incrypted state.
To create UserID in AzureAD use below command.
To get list out the users created in AzureAD
Run Get-AzureADUser
To filter user starting with selected alphabets
Get-AzureAdUser -Filter "startswith(givenname,'ra')"
Use Cases of Windows PowerShell
Use Case 2: Get Information about Processes in the computer =Get-processes
Use Case 3: Get list of services in the Computer = Get-service
Format: Formatting
Set: Mofifications
Get: retrieve