Azure Resource Group # Resource create, delete, lock using PowerShell

 Azure Resource Group->  You can deploy, Manage and Monitor all the resources for your solution as a Group, rather than handling these resources individually.

You can repeatedly deploy your solution throughout the development lifecycle and have confidence your resources are deployed in a consistent state.

You can manage your infrastructure through declarative templates rather than scripts.

You can define the dependencies between resources so they are deployed in the correct order.

You can apply access control to all services in your resource group because Role based access control (RBAC) is natively integrated into the management platform.

You can apply tags to resources to logically organize all the resources in your subscription.

you can clarify your organization's billing by viewing costs for a group of resources sharing the same tag.

 Resource provider 

Microsoft has categorized resources and different categories.

Compute -> it will provide Images , Snapshots, Virtual Machines

Storage-> Storage provides Files, Strage Accounts, Blobs, Tables

SQL -> Tables, Structured 

Top categories is called Resource Provider and Subcategories is called Resource Type.

To check the list of resource provider login to Azure Portal and search for resource Explorer.

Click on provider and you will see a list of resource providers.

Once you expand the resource provider you will see resource type, like below.

Use below Command to Get Azure Resource Group list


Locking resource or resource Group using PowerShell

We lock resource groups, or resources to prevent other users in the organization from accidentally deleting or modifying critical resources. 

Use below Command to create AzResource group lock and protect Azure Resource Group.

New-AzResourceLock -Name "DoNotDelete" -LockLevel CanNotDelete -ResourceGroupName Resource_Powershell

“DoNotDelete” -> AzResource Group Lock name (Newly created)

Resource_PowerShell -> Resource Group Name that was earlier created using New-AzResourceGro***** Command.

How to check Azure Resource is locked or not using Azure portal.

Login to Azure Portal

Search for Resource Group -> You shall see a list of the resource created inside the Resource Group.

Select the resource group for which you applied lock level, in my case I applied on Resource_PowerShell.

Click on Lock ->

Lock Name is created, and lock type is set Delete. 

From the Azure Portal you can also lock your resource.

Login to Azure Portal

Search for Resource Group and inside the Resource Group search for resources.

Select the Resource that you want to lock -> Click Locks -> Add

Give the Lock Name 

Select Lock type

And press OK.

Now Try to check whether the resource is locked or not.

Use the below command to delete resources in PowerShell.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name Resource_Powershell

Command to get Azure resource lock ID


Command to remove LockID from resource or resource group.

Remove-AzResourceLock -LockId /subscriptions/a02b1c64-6583-49b2-828f-eb5878d4fa75/resourceGroups/Resource_Powershell/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks/DoNotDelete

Resource “Resource_Powershell” is now not protected so you can now easily delete from resource group either using PowerCli or Azure Portal.

Command to remove Azure Resource Group

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name Resource_Powershell

AWS L1 Interview question and answer


1).full form of AMI  -->amazon machine image


2).cheaper storage than S3?  -->Glaicer(s3 glacier)


3).max number of elastic ip's in aws? -->5


4).in aws which component collects the raw data?--->dynamodb


5).default max number of internet gateways? -->5,10,15,20----->5


6).which component does the backups and recovery in AWS?---->glacier(EBS)


7).VPC comes under the _____layer of OSI? -->networking


8).Default number of VPC versions?--->ipv4(doubt)


9).how can u make private subnets EC2 instances to access internet?---->through nat


10).Amazon route 53 allows by default_____ resource record set per hosted zone? ---->1(10,000)


11).Default vpc comes with _________-->subnet,gateway------>1


12).to set loosely coupled architecture ______------>ebs(Amazon SQS an SNS)


13).feature of simpledb  -->non relational


14).simpledb not good for______ ---->rawdata


15).Default VPC per region?---->1


16).which db stores raw data? -->dynamodb


17).max virtural private gateway per region?---->5


18).______ is used to distribute traffic from user to EC2 intance?  -->Elastic load balancer


19).VPC pricing depends on what---> Free


20).what type of database is simpledb?--->non relational


security group is statefull

acl is stateless


21).max number of elastic ip's------>5


22).Glacier is charged-------->yes both in and out


23).number of hosted zone per region------>500


24).to attach an ec2 to a subnet u need?------>vpc id


25).how many internet gateways per region------->5


26).how to extend the DC and have private connection to AWS?------>direct connect and hardware vpn


27).ip range of vpc------>ipv4(a /16 netmask (65,536 IP addresses) and /28 netmask (16 IP addresses))


28).route 53 in ipv6 uses------>forward AAAA and reverse PTR


29).number of db instances allowed in RDS----->40


30).which aws service is needed to start vpc----->network(ec2 console)


31).how many vpc can be create in single region------>5


32).when s3 bucket is linked with ec2 instance if the machine is terminated wt hapns---->no data loss


33).what amazon vpc will do----->to create a private cloud space(you can launch your resources like ec2 )


34).what amazon service used to scale according to the requirements------>autoscaling


35).which aws service used to monitor------>cloudwatch


36).to store logfiles and database what storage will be used------>ebs


37).with one route53 how many records can we create






38).portocol used by loadbalancing application






39).while creating new aws account what is the default option available






40).how much amazon charge to integrate a instance to vpc

              additional charge

              no additional charge(ans)


41).an ec2 instance that provide port translation protocol to a non eip instance to access intranet

via internet gateway

              nat instance(ans)


              hardware vpn connection

              internet gateway


42).how many elastic ip associated with aws account----->5


43).essential element to create vpc----->name and cidr range


44).in aws schema is used as which type of database

              dynamo db


              simple db



45).which connectivity is used in vpc




              both a,c(ans)


46).spot instance is not good for _________


              batch processing




47).number of db instances per hosted zone






48).which db is not used in aws----->redshift

(amazon arora, mysql, mariadb, postgresql, oracle, sql server(ms sql)----->these are used by aws)


49).which aws service is loosely coupled






50).(ans:cloudwatch)____________with elb the load balancing can happen


51).which service is used for backup and restore



52).which operational process is used by aws for data security

              ans by google:decommanting of storage devices using industry- standard practices


53).to protect s3 form accidental deletion and overwriting



54).which has high storage capacity




55).cidr(classless interdomain routing)


56).not the feature of simpleDB

              asynchronous access

              no schema

              automatic access(ans)


57).simpleDB is not good for


              robust transaction(ans)


              batch policy


58).not default instance per region

              internet gateway





59).y bucket policy necessary----->to give permission to access to s3 resources

60).what data consistency model does amazon s3 used?----->read after write consistancy(eventual)

61).default instance per region

              internet gateway





62).For which database no need to predefine schema to add data----->dynamodb


63).which rds....... volumes for raw data and database .....> ans : s3



64).if AMI instance is stored in s3 which of the following is not true

              data persistance out of instance

              boot in minutes(ans)

              free i/o costs in root directory

              none of these


65).which storage is good to store long term data and with low cost------->glacier


66).A nosql database for small data persiste........--------->dynamodb


PowerShell Basic to Administrator

Run below command to get help

Get-Help Get-service -ShowWindow


To get the status of multiple services you can run below command.

Get-Service -Name BITS, wuauserv, W32Time


To get the status of multiple services starting with B, A,W you can run the below command.

Get-service -name B*, a*, W* 

You can also use short name of command or service to get status 

Get-Service bits 

gsv bits (GSV= Get-Service)


Command to check all Event log


Command to check System log

Get-EventLog -LogName System

Command to check last 3 system newly error related log

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -EntryType Error


Command to check last 3 system newly error related log of Remote Machines

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -EntryType Error -ComputerName comp1, comp2, comp3 



Use of Pipeline | in powershell ->


In PowerShell, the vertical bar ( | ) is the pipe symbol. This tells PowerShell that you want to take the output of one command and pass it as the input (or pipe it) to the next command.

From pipeline Left command output will be input for right command.


Get-Service -Name BITS, wuauserv, W32Time

Get-service -name B*, a*, W*

Get-Help Get-service -ShowWindow

Get-Service -DisplayName windows

Get-Service bits

gsv bits

Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 3 -EntryType Error -ComputerName comp1, comp2, comp3

Get-Module -ListAvailable 

Configure BIOS before ESXI Installation

Login to iLO using IP or HostName.

i.e https:\\

Click on “Remote Console & Media” and click on “Launch” under “.NET Integrated Remote Console (.Net IRC)/ HTML5 Console".

Once the iLO remote console is open power on the server using “Power switch”

  • Press F9 when the server is booting

Click on System Configuration 


Click on BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU)

Select the Suitable Profile


If you want to install ESXI on this server then always select Virtualization - Max Performance 


Verify Intel VT, VT-D, SR-IOV are enabled



Make sure Boot mode selected as UEFI Mode 




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