NetApp ONTAP NFS volume and mount to ESXI host

 How to create NFS volume and mount to ESXI host

First you need to create LIF data using below link

LIF Data link

Second need to create SVM with NFS enabled Protocol

you can use below link to create SVM with NFS enabled protocol

SVM Create

In protocol you need to select NFS

In my LAB I have created SVM with below details and configuration


IP Address-:

Volume Name-:  NFS_ESXI

Protocol-:        NFS

Export policy-: Allowed ESXI host IP ( in exprt policy

Steps to create Volume for NFS SVM

Login to NetApp ONTAP using cluster IP

Expend Storage -> Select Volume

Select SVM name for which you want to create volume

Note-: please select NFS enabled SVM only if you want to create volume for NFS data.

Click create -> Select FlexVol

Name -: Give Volume Name

Aggregate -> Choose correct Aggregate

Size -: Assign volume size

Snapshot reserve -: Give number of snapshot that you want to keep reserve

Space Reserve -: Select thin/thick or keep it default

 Now login to ESXI (root) or vCenter using Admin access.

Click  new Datastore

Select Mount NFS datastore -> Next

Name-: Give Datastore Name

NFS Server-: SVM server IP

NFS Share-: NFS folder name

NFS version-: select version

Click Finish

New Datastore has been mounted on ESXI host


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